Name * First Name Last Name Email * Date of birth * MM DD YYYY Gender * Female Male Prefer not to say Nationality * Please select the SkyCamp you would like to register for: * Durmitor SkyCamp (14-18 July 2025) Durmitor SkyCamp (14-20 July 2025) How long have you been involved in trail running/skyrunning? * What are your main goals for attending the SkyCamp? Have you particpated in any previous SkyCamps or skyrunning events? * Yes No What is your weekly mileage/kilometer range? * Less than 20 kilometers 20-40 kilometers 40-60 kilometers 60-80 kilometers More than 80 kilometers Rate your experience on technical terrain (rocky trails, steep climbs/descents): * Beginner Intermediate Advanced Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences? If yes, please specify. * Do you have any medical conditions or allergies that we should be aware of? * Do you have valid health insurance that covers sporting activities? * Yes No Your t-shirt size? * XS S M L XL I understand and agree to the payment and cancellation policy: (100% refund if cancelled by the end of 2024, 30% refund if cancelled by the end of January 2025, and no refund afterwards. Refunds are deducted for the fees Sky2Run encounters). * Yes, I agree Any additional comments, requests, or information we should be aware of? Thank you!